"From the moment we open our eyes, we treat our brain like a selfish jokey treats his horse. Expecting and demanding from it to try harder, run better, higher and faster for us. Without ever being aware of its fundamental need; teaching the brain how to experience the moments of calmness at every opportunity via DBT - Zen breathing"
By S. Gul, July 2012
Dalai Lama quotes
What is CBT Therapy?
CBT – Cognitive Behaviour Therapy is the most effective psychotherapy method used in helping individuals with emotional stresses-disorders including; fear, anxiety, panic attack, paranoia, obsession, depression, and suicidal thoughts.
With CBT therapy the goal is to reshape the patient’s limiting beliefs. For individuals emotional problems are derived largely from certain distortions of reality based on erroneous premises and assumptions. These incorrect conceptions have originated from defective and inadequate learning during the person’s cognitive development.
The CBT practitioner helps the patient to change his distortions in thinking and to learn an alternative, logical and more realistic way to formulate his experience. Through CBT individuals are empowered with the knowledge of relationship that exists between Thoughts, Emotions-feelings and Behaviours. This newly acquired understanding and insight helps the individuals to become more self confident, manage and take care of their own mind-body health and well-being better and more resourcefully.
Note: When CBT is combined with the Zen breathing, the DBT-Diaphragmatic Breathing Technique (developed by Practitioner-coach Shev-Sevket-Gul) and the NLP psychotherapy modality, the best therapeutic results can be achieved.
What is NLP Therapy - Intervention?
NLP, Neuro Linguistic Programming is the study and application of human mind sciences for the improvement of the quality of life, change management, growth and well-being of individuals and organisations through the NLP methods, techniques and therapy-interventions.
A NLP practitioner, helps the client to understand better their operating model of the world, how they construct, structure and represent their past, present and the future experiences internally - inside their minds.
By changing, modifying and enriching the building blocks of their malfunctioning and ill fitting components of their problem experiences and limitations, the individuals are freed and empowered with much more satisfying choices, options, responses and behaviours.
The advantage of an NLP therapy-intervention over the traditional psychotherapy method is that, the changes, growth and therapy-interventions are facilitated without dwelling in the actual content of the clients problematic experience, feeling and memory.
Another major difference of NLP therapy-interventions over the psychotherapy discipline is that, NLP is process focused, and it aims to eradicate the limiting conditions-negative experiences at the very root level.
NLP interventions are usually spread over the two-three sessions. Phobias, traumas, fears and some negative emotions can be dealt in just one session.
By Shev Gul BSc, NLP & AL Master Practitioner, Life and Sport Coach

In the Press
(From Mind to Molecule)
and Techniques
Intervention and Management
Κρίση πανικού και Κατάθλιψη
Genel bilgi ve mudahele
(Understanding Anorexia)
(Understanding Immigrant's Nostalgia)
(Smoking Cannabis Can Cause Stroke)
(The Mind of a Gambler)
(For Happier Couple Relationships)
(Keeping Love Life Active in the Older)
(Anger Can Cause Heart Disease)
(Importance of Good 8 Hours Sleep)
(Antidepressants may not be the best treatment option)
(Overcoming Betting and Gambling Addiction)
(Helping students with exam stress)
(Stress and Depression Prevention in 10 Steps)
(Stopping Smoking is Easy)
(Males Sexual Complaints)
(Preventing Steps Leading to Divorce)
(Party Drugs and Psychosis)
(Being inactive shortens life)
(Treating Nightmares in Children)
(Watching 24-7 TV damages childrens psychology)
(Anxiety Ilnness)
(SAD Syndrome)
(Stress and Health)
(Marijuana's Effects on Young Brains)
(Eating Disorders-Therapy)
(Fear of Flying)
(Understanding Schizophrenia)
(Cold Fathers: Emotional problem children-Adults)
(Cannabis and Schizophrenia)
Birlikte Yikalim (Overcoming Seeing
a Psychologist Stigma)
(problem gambling)
Problemleri - Mudahale
(Behaviour problems - age 4-7 years)
(Fear of Flying)
Kisiye Faydalari Nelerdir
(Self-hypnosis benefits)
Mudahale: NLP-CBT (Chronic
Depression & Suicide Intervention)
(Panic Attack)
(Fear of Death)
(Spice and Skunk Cannabis Speeds Up The Psychosis)
(Preventing Office Stress)
(Sour Relationships Between Couples)
(Depression in Young Girls)
(Understanding ADHD in Children)
(Minimizing Damage of Divorce on Children)
(Steps for Delaying-Preventing Dementia)
(Stress and Obesity in Children)
(Permanent Memory damage in Cannabis Users)
(Preventing Workplace Depression)
(Smoking dangers in pregnant women)
(Isolation leads to Depression)
(Family arguments may cause early death)
(Poor Sleep Epidemic)
(Energy Drinks Harmful as Drugs)
(iPad generation who can't hold a pencil)
(Understanding Schizophrenia Better)
(The psychological damage caused by divorce in children)
(Good sleep best detox for the brain)
(Antenatal Depression)
(Understanding Depression)
(Family Violence and Depression in Children)
(Stop smoking faster with Hypnotherapy)
(Pain Control-Therapy)
(Exams: stress, fear and burnout)
(Exercise benefits for coping with emotional stress)
(ED- Erection Dysfunction)
(Sexual problems could be psychological origin)
(Korkular-Fobialar: Ucak, Sahne, Acik-Kapali Alanlar, Sosyal)
(DBT Diaphragmatic Breathing Technique)
(Drugs, Betting-Gambling Therapy)
(Psychological Help-Stigma)
(Partner-Family Therapy)
(Betting-Gambling ruins families)

Mind-Body Health Therapy-Interventions

Mind - Body Therapy Clinic
NLP Therapy - Intervention
Phobia, Trauma, Unwanted & Compulsive Behaviours, Habits, Migraine, Pain Control, Coping with Illness, Insomnia, Grief, Loss, Guilt, Anger, Shame, Anxiety, Fears, Negative Emotions, Confidence, Procrastination, Shyness, Stage Fright, Self Esteem, Sadness, Forgiveness, Regression, Limiting Beliefs. Smoking, Alcohol, Drug, Obesity control strategies...
Self-Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy For better performance, change, growth and well-being...
Breathing Therapy
Diaphragmatic-DBT Breathing Method for well-being, relaxatation and performance...
Life Coaching
Knowing What you Want, Change and Growth Management, Making Decisions, Positive Outcomes-Goals, Motivation, Beliefs, Values, Resourceful States, Internal Conflicts, Rapport, Responding to Criticism, Fast Learning, Presentation Skills, Better Memory, Thinking Styles, Mind Maps...
Sports and Mental Skills Coaching
Higher performance strategies for athletes, teachers, coaches and educators...
Disclaimer: This site is intended to be a general educational resource. Before any application, first, always consult your physician, and take the advice and the opinion of other experts in the similar field.
Contact: Shev Gul, BSc, NLP & Hypnosis Master Pract, Life and Sports Coach, WSCA, ASCA, ASA GB FIOS(cc)